Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm back to my original regime

Its a working progress but i am close to finishing the task. I got my exercise habit back, jog 3-4 times a week although lessen the workouts like lifting weights. I'll digress a lil bit with my plans on getting physically fit because of things that are get in my way like working on my plan to bring back the things the way before. Well, i manage to cross one of the list but i will still be up for the next task.

I was wondering how i can bring our business back running. Well, first of all i have to crank up my computers here in the shop. Its a little bit out of maintenance so that will be my first of to-do list. I'm a little bit concern on how things will turn up. Because i really love and i have a passion on running a business than being an employee in a company.

So with all of the brainstorming me and my wife did, we came up of additional foods in the menu. Well, we got a little hotdog stand out of our store and seeing from my perspective i can attract more customers if i cater good food out. Of course they may want to wait inside the cafe for the food or while they are eating of course surf the net perhaps. But those are just unapproved plans yet, i have to discuss this still with my parents. I'm dubious if they agree because it will require hefty amount of money.

I cant think of things i can add in my to do list yet. But if the two list works out i'll decide later what to do next. My hopes are up!